SPIIND is certified to ISO 45001 Health and Safety Standard and was the first industrial engineering company to secure compliance to this standard again cementing our positon in leading and setting new standards which recognise the achievement of safety compliance through the application of systems and procedures that promote accident prevention.
SPIIND is proud of its safety focus and its lost time injury (LTI) record of over 1.6 million man hours over 7 years which is ingrained within the company culture and highly respected by our clients, as attested:
"Just a note around contractor inductions here at LVL Marsden Point. I have observed over time that the SPI induction test results are consistently high and that during the Q and A parts of the induction your team member are usually well informed and have good understanding of a Safety from a general viewpoint. The level of awareness is noticeable over and above some of our other contractor groups."
QSE Manager, Carter Holt Harvey
SPIIND’s quality systems and focus are recognised by our customers as being highly effective and indeed our customers frequently ask us for advice and assistance in structuring their own internal systems. We are strongly focused on continuous improvement, the involvement and the development of our staff, including internal apprenticeships and we apply Lean and Six Sigma principles in our approach.
SPIIND is ISO 9001 accredited and accordingly maintains a strong focus on managing its internal processes to assure customer service and quality is consistent and at all times meets customer expectations as attested:
"I wish I could get this level of quality from my own staff and other contractors"
"Well organised"
"Tidy and high professional"
"Weld quality exeptional"
"You know what you are doing"
"Well done"
QC Manager, Refining NZ
SPIIND maintains its own accredited weld inspectors as approved by the Certification Board for Inspection Personnel (